I'm so excited to be participating in The Apron Queen's Vintage Thingies Share, over at "Confessions of an Apron Queen Blog." This is my first week, and being a pack rat collector of most ANYTHING, it is hard to decide where to begin and what to show!
Next week I will be sharing some of my husband's vintage gas station signs and drink boxes...so I hope you enjoy today's post, but do check back with me next week for a really unique collection!
I encourage you to visit The Apron Queens Blog! She has quite a flair for writing...always interesting and whitty! And her aprons and vintage items are awesome! You can link up from MY FAVORITE BLOGS!
I love old, vintage items! They seem to "have a heart!" Amidst all their blemishes of age and use, they exude character and charm! I love to incorporate found vintage treasures in my decor! They give my home warmth and life! As you will see, I mix a lot of new, with a lot of old...whether it be furniture, accessories, or even textiles!

I found these vintage embroidered pillowcases on Ebay, from the seller: fricknbrickn. I actually purchased two sets from her, and they were delivered freshly laundered and crisply ironed! She has alot of textiles available and other vintage accessories!
The pillowcases are wonderful, much thicker material than today's! And the embroidery & lace is so sweet! They are on my guest bed, in what I call "MY girly room retreat!"
My guest are reluctant to sleep on them, because they look so "special!" LOL!
Funny thing is, they were much cheaper than any other pillowcase in the house!
Below is a picture of both sets on the bed...

Vintage jewelry...does it get any better than this?
I love to add a little vintage bling wherever I can! The lace piece and both pins on this pillow are vintage!
I found this sweet vintage pair at a local consignment shop for $3.25, half price of what they were originally! They sit atop an armoire in the bedroom!

Guest Room's...Guest Bath...
I have a weakness for small glassware pieces! I use the little amber vintage plate as a soap dish.
The picture is a sketched print from the 70's, by a local artist...would it be considered vintage yet??? ...1974 doesn't seem that long ago, but it is 2008! "smiles" Two additional prints hang on another wall, and all are of riverboats that traveled down the Cape Fear River many, many years ago!

The powder room also has a pretty little vintage amber pedestal dish, that is used as a soap dish!

My last item to share, is an old vintage radio! I don't know who it was made by or the age...couldn't find any info on it! It doesn't work, but it is a great conversational piece!The picture above it, is of my husband's Great Grandaddy...William Bill...I kid you not! LOL! That really was his first & middle name....and his two brothers we believe!
Peeking from under the stairs, (you just can see the corner of it), sits my wedding present from my husband 15 years ago, a Victrola. "smiles"
Thank you for viewing some of "my vintage thingies"....don't forget to come back next Thursday for a glimpse of my husband's collection of vintage gas station memorabilia! ~Rhonda
You've got some awesome vintage thingies! Thanks for sharing. Look forward to next week!
For your daily dose of vintage goodness & a bit of silliness, stop by Confessions of an Apron Queen, the home of Vintage Thingies Thursdays.
I agree that there's heart in
vintage things. You have a great eye when you decorate, your vintage
with modern liiks great. See you
next week!
Hi Rhonda,
I am glad to know that you are feeling better! Thanks for sharing the vintage items -- I loooove your four poster bed and the figurines in your guest room!
You and I are in the same boat -- my sterling silver collection is pretty slow coming too! The reason I had that strainer is that it was given to me as a gift. :)
Rhonda, you have some beautiful vintage pieces. I love the soap dish and the radio especially.
As for William Bill, my DH has a several-great aunt who was christened Eliza Elizabeth! :)
Thanks for coming by Kitchen Retro!
Rhonda, I used to emborder all of my pillowcases. My mother-in-law always crocheted the edge for me. I also did dishtowels. I just don't seem to find the time now. But, I will always love them. You have beautiful vintage keepsakes.
Hugs, Terrie
Hi Rhonda! I love your guest room and bath. The linens are so cheery. The tortoise shell vase is so pretty and the amber glass soap dish goes perfectly. The vintage radio is really a fun piece.
Keep sharing your vintage thingies. I love 'em!
Oh, that bed is just Gorgeous! And love the vintage radio!
Sandra Evertson
Rhonda, All your vintage things are lovely and you display them so well.
Thanks for sharing your lovely use of vintage in your home.
Can you tell me where I can purchase one of the flags
it appears that you have your
last name initial on the flag.
thank you.
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