So, I didn't want to share the inside of my refrigerator, for the sake of being disgraced by the clutter and disorganization, but as Heather, from Hopscotch and Hydrangeas, would say...I have a dirty little secret behind this closed door.....

And brace yourself...Here it is...
My craft closet! It has been organized several times, but doesn't seem to stay that way!
I decided to once again... tackle this monster of disaster...

Pam, at Pam's Blog ~ Midnight Musings, wrote this in her post today...."perfectionists are great procrastinators....We don't want to attempt any projects until we are sure we have time to do them correctly and completely. Therefore, many things go undone, (i.e.: my craft closet), which can make us appear AND FEEL very unorganized." (Check out the rest of the post at her blog....)
Hey, this works for me...I can adopt this idea that I am really an organized perfectionists, but I procrastinate doing it, because I prefer it to be perfect! I know that by now, if Kevin and Ashley are reading this...and they will...are laughing hysterically!
I found the plaque below on Ebay ... And if you are an organized person, I have the upmost respect for you. Please don't be offended by the quote, I don't really think you are lazy! I love organization....NO!, that isn't THUNDER you hear...it's MORE laughter from the peanut gallery, called my family... I just have a real hard time maintaining that organization! This plaque makes ME feel better and less inadequate, in those skills I don't possess!
I pulled everything out of the closet! I found things I didn't even know I had...or why I had them...
I found enough ribbon and colored tissue paper, to wrap gifts for a long time to come!

And glitter, I can't even remember why I have this much glitter, or what project it was intended for...
And Decoupage Finish, another one of those WHY??? items!
But after two days, there is a light at the end of the tunnel...and below is the big reveal.
Drum roll......TAADAAA!!!!
The very organized and very clean closet! "smiles"
I am always so humbled when a fellow blogger honors me with an award. I feel so undeserving, but am very flattered and grateful! A couple of weeks ago, Dot, from Picket's Place, awarded me the "Arte Y Pico" Blogger Award. Every morning when I log into my computer, I check my comments and then go straight to Dot's blog, to see what she has written for the day. Dot is an early riser, so I can count on a post first thing in the morning. Dot is such a wonderful and gifted writer! Some mornings, she will make you cry, and others you will literally find yourself laughing out loud uncontrollably! And she is genuinely a fine Christian lady, with a great sense of humor and heart! To be honored my Dot, is an honor indeed!
A new blogger friend, Rhonda, from RhondaMum, awarded me the "Kind Blogger" and "Excellent Blogger" Awards. First of all, we have the same name, so we felt a kinship from the very beginning! However, we have found we share many more common features as we comment back and forth! She is a super sweet person, and has a BEAUTIFUL blog! ...which made me all the more grateful to be recognized by her! I look forward to getting to know her even better! These two ladies are the best of the best...and I consider it a blessing to call them both...friend!

Rhonda, I really enjoyed your post. lol I am one that keep everything in order because it's easier that way. I need that sign. Your daughter is so cute in front of the refrigerator. It looked organized to me. Now your craft closet looks awesome. I wish i had room for a craft closet. Have a great night! Hugs, Terrie
Congratulations on your awards, and definitely on your craft closet. Isn't it fun when we accomplish those dreaded task?
WOW!!! What a fantastic job on that closet. What time can you come to my house? :o)
Rhonda, thank you for the sweet note you left about my "Flea Market Finds" post.
I enjoyed your craft closet story and can relate to the "perfectionist procrastinator" theory. Sounds good, anyway.
I'm looking forward to seeing your flea market treasures today in your "Vintage Thingies" post.
I'll be back ... Janie
I wouldn't take a picture of my fridge for anything, yours looked good. Your daughter is so pretty. Instead of a craft closet I have a craft room that looks like the before picture of your closet. It might take a little longer to organize, but that's why it has a door right? Congrats on the awards you really do deserve it. I love that rug. It looks expensive what a steal for 10.00. I have found some great things at Family Dollar. Oh your window treatments in the previous post are wonderful and well worth the wait they look perfect in the pictures.
Your craft closet looks fabulous! Great job!! And I like that plaque about organized people - I need to put one of those up! :)
Hello Rhonda!
It was nice to get caught up with you today! I have been so busy, I haven't been able to visit...
Love the closet picture, I too have those types of closets all over my house, I shove stuff in cabinets too! Love the ebay plaque, I think I need one...now where did I put my purse? Maybe I should look in one of the closets, may take me a bit, but I know I will find it sometime soon...:)
Have a great rest of your week!
Donna Lynn
Hi, Rhonda, thank you for stopping by. Congrats on your awards. Hope you have a great week!
Hi Rhoda, great post,my hall closet is the same way but is has a little bit of everything, I'm planning a yard sale soon. Congratulations on your awards you so deserve it, and what a beautiful rug. Deb
Dont you feel so much better! I know I do when I start cleaning out stuff. It all looks great and congrats on those awards. Susie H
Hi Rhonda! Your closet looks fabulous. My craft room looks like your before pictures right now. Ugh. Have to wait until I can muster up the energy and desire to get it reorganized, yet again.
Love the awards you rec'd; how perfect!
Hi Rhonda, forgive me for mispelling your name earlier, I think I must have seen Rhoda's name right above me and typed it by mistake. I want you to know that I sent you an email. Deb
Hello Rhonda!
Believe it or not, I was thinking about driving home from being out today. I was so glad to see you have a comment waiting for me... :)
I have a closet that my brother calls "Belly of the Whale" - it holds all the things I don't have a place for. It's been on my mind to clean it out....
Hey Rhonda! I was cracking up throughout this post! LOVE IT!! I like Pam's description of perfectionists! It is SO true! he he I love that sign too! The closet looks amazing! Ya wanna come help me with my "danger zone" now? LOL!! I think you are qualified!
Congratulations on your awards! You really do deserve them my dear! You have a wonderful blog that I so enjoy visiting every day!
What a fun rug! And a picture of your whole room!?!?!?! Oh! You know I am in heaven now! LOL!!! It is beautiful! Love the bedding. I think I need to go work on my room now!
Have a wonderful evening!!
-Heather :)
Hi Rhonda! Your closet looks great! I wish I even had a closet to store stuff like that in. We are closet challenged in this house! Very cute rug and I love that yellow quilt in the room. Very pretty.
I just went over to Picket's and I see what you mean. Very strange. I haven't heard from her. I hope everything's okay! Hopefully she's just playing with the format of her blog or something and it's temporarily messed up. Have you checked with Rue?
Great job on the closet. I have three that need organizing, but I keep putting it off. I'm just too busy having fun and don't want to stay home long enough to clean. Yuk!
Heh sweet Rhonda, I made it man alive those curves I had to get here were a bit on the scary side. I get here and read this wonderful story about being organized and I had to smile and giggle more than once. I have what I call so affectionately the "war room". I've been tackling it the last 3 Thusdays from before the sun comes up until after it goes down in the evenings. Believe it or not I am winning the war. The trash men that love their jobs, well... once they leave our humble abode I'm quite sure their smile is a bit on the upsy down side as my grandson used to say. Thanks so much for swinging in and saying hello . Hope Murphy greeted you ok.. He's such a loving dog that just adopted us. The cocker spaniel inside is learning to deal. I must move onto your other posts. I see a beautiful set of windows I need to go inspect.. Hugs to you dear heart. Lynne
OMG!!! Where is Dot?? Did something happen?? I am worried, too!! Hugs, Terrie
I have her email address. I'll wait a couple days and then try to contact her!!!
Oh my goodness, I can't believe Picket has left blogland! I understand needing to spend more time with family, but she will certainly be missed. Thanks for letting me know!
Hi Rhonda!
Most of us have a closet like that if we fess up to it! You did a great job organizing. AND I love the new monogrammed window treatments, very chic!
Hugs, Sherry
I tend to be too organized in my closets. I can't stand to put stuff away until it can be put away right so....you guessed it, I have clutter on my counters most of the time! It's so silly to be so nuts about my closets when no one but me and my family looks in them but everyone sees the clutter on the counters! It makes me look like a terrible homemaker! I had to laugh bz just today I found some plastic boxes to hold my patterns in and I was so excited. Yeah, I know I really need help, LOL! By the way, do you know what happened to picket's blog? I'm worried about her. Cindy
It seems so strange. She didn't tell me good-bye. I was just looking at the pictures of your kids. They sure are cute. I love the picture of you and your hubby.
Hugs, Terrie
Rhonda: Thanks for letting me know about Dot. I appreciate it and can even understand it. Today my boy graduates from high school so I have to run. Hope you have a good day! I forgot to say before that I love the picture with your fridge! Cute girl and pose!
Oh, that was so sweet my friend and I am honored by your comments. So glad we found each other!
Ok, my refrigerator is SO disgusting. Now there is something that I can't keep up with. I don't know how my family gets it so nasty, well, maybe having a six year old and her three year old sister in there doesn't help.
Great job on the craft closet! Can you come over and do mine??? You should see the floor in my "studio" right now. Scary!
Have a super weekend and thanks again. You always make my days brighter!
Hi! I just found your blog and would love to know where you got this yellow bedding. I love it!
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