Monday, May 5, 2008

Yellow Monday Catch-up....

Angela, over at Cottage Magpie, is having a color challenge post YELLOW things from around your home! I've already visited Deb, at Deb's County Kisses, and Mrs. B, and they have the cutest yellow selections posted! I can't wait to continue my visits, to see what other "yellow" adorns blogland today! But I have to tell you, I can not get the song out of my head, ...."We all live in a yellow submarine!" I do not live in a yellow submarine, but I do have several yellow things to share...but first a few updates....

Update on the Rusty Wagon Rescue From the Curbside Trashpile....

Sadly, I am sorry to report that I did not rescue the wagon! The city was promoting town beautification this past week, and offered to pick up any and all trash and rubbage that you could get to the curb, for free! So, when I went back, the whole pile was gone! I only hope someone else salvaged the poor little soul! And to make matters worse, my husband who doesn't always appreciate my junk said, "I sure would have gotten that wagon...I can't believe you didn't get it!" But, I'm certain there will be another rescue mission right around the corner! "smiles"


Awards....Deb at Deb's Country Kisses, has so graciously passed on two awards to me, The Kind Blogger Award, and the Excellent Award. I am so honored to accept them, especially considering the exceptional person who bestowed them on me! Deb is a sweet, uplifting Christian woman, with a wonderful sense of humor! Her blog just brightens my day! I am proud to call her friend! Thank You, Deb! :o)

There are many blogs I love to visit and it is hard to chose favorites! There are so many talented decorators, writers/storytellers, and creative artists that I've visited. But these are the ones I have chosen to pass this award on to! Each of them is unique and have been so kind and encouraging to me! ...especially as a new blogger who needed direction! I enjoy their posts and have gathered inspiration from them! To link onto their blogs....see my blog roster on the sidebar....

I am passing these Two Awards onto, (in no particular order)....

Deb's Country Kisses ~ I'm "re-awarding" You!....Mrs. B.....Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity.....Jade Rocks.....Tammy Sprinkle.....Rhonda Mum.....Picket's Place....Sweet Moments by Jillian/Jillian Haupt & Co.....Pink Icing on the Cake....Southern Hospitality.....Blushing Rose Antiques.....Gracious Southern Living..... JustabeachKat.....& Ivory Spring


And Now Yellow Selections From Around My Home...

The yellow chickens taking roost on my blog once again...

Yellow tulips peeking out of my front-door arrangements....

Yellow metal birdie bell...

Yellow pear paired with pictures of Ashley in a field of yellow daisies....

(at 2-3 years of age)

Picket has her Pepsi, and I, Scooterblu, have my "yellow" Sundrop.....Diet Sundrop, can't live without it! "smiles"

Yellow Rooster kitchen towel....

David & Ashley were scrambling to find yellow things for me to post, too. This is David's contribution and I can't count the number of legos I pick up in a day! I think they multiply faster than the dust bunnies!

Yellow Handsoap....smells so good....Bath & Body Works Japanese Cherry Blossom...

My yellow gardening crocs, that have seen better days!

These of course are not yellow, but Aunt BoPeep & Uncle Allen gave me a new, much needed pair of crocs for my B'day...aren't they too cute!

Yellow Vehicle....

And finally....wishing everyone a cheery week filled with YELLOW SUNSHINE from above!



Unknown said...

Hi Rhonda! Thank you for your kind post over on my blog. I appreciate your comments. I love the crocs with the bows. Too funny! Just perfect for gardening in. :)The hummer was pretty nice, too. The flowers on your doors are lovely. I especially like the containers they are in.

Unknown said...

Well, I didn't realize that this was all one post. Ooops! Thank you so much for the kind awards. You are too sweet! I love your banner and the story about the wagon. We have the same bulk item collection here and I love it. I actually got my settee on the front porch from it and an antique chair and 2 garden benches. One man's trash is definitely another mans treasure. It is crazy around here. You see pickup trucks and SUV's everywhere slowely driving from one curb to the next looking to see if there are any goodies to be had. lol


Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Rhonda,Thanks so much for the award. You are such a sweetie! I love your yellow things. Especially the roosters. Hugs, Terrie

Picket said...

Hey 'Scooter'..just checking in..after 5 days of moving and unpacking my parents and geting their old house clean and ready for showing we finally get to stay home for 2 days! Sorry I just haven't been able to get by sooner but I do so appreciate you coming by and checking on me and then this sweet gesture of yours with the awards...I don't know what to say....I am truly humbled by your kindness..I hate to admit it but I don't know that much about blogging and I don't know what I am suppose to do or even how to get the little symbol to my site..I feel like a doofus..but I am so thrilled you thought of me! Take care dear friend and have a beautiful day tomorrow!

Anonymous said...


Thank you, thank you for the sweet comment you have left on my blog. And the award - wow, I am touched! That's my first ever blog AWARD! Thanks bunches.

I enjoyed your looonng post this evening -- thanks for sharing all the yellow-ish things you have. That prompted me to think if I have anything yellow-ish in my house, hahaha.

You are so kind, and you have definitely been an e-blessing in my life! :)

Picket said...

Hey "Scooter" just go to picasa2 and free will transfer all your pics to that site (but you will still have the pics in the regular places) and you can pick and choose the pics you want to play with and then it will make a collage for on on a pic in the collage and it will re=arrange it until you like the look..then send it to your regular site and you just browse there and add it to your blog like free lets you make the frames and words and different edges for your pics..try them and see!!!

Deb said...

Hi Rhonda, thank you very very much for awarding me, I will post tomorrow, I was just getting a quick look before I go to bed. I loved your yellow post, they were all really nice things. Most of all the brown clogs,even if they weren't yellow, they were soooo pretty :O) Have a good night! Deb

Mrs. B said...

Hi Rhonda! Thank you so much for these awards! I really enjoy your blog, your posts are fun, uplifting, and full of pretty things to look at! And so I'm so honored that you would think of me for these awards. I'm enjoying blogging so much, but I think the very best part of it is the nice people I've met. So thank you again, and I will be sure to pass these out later this week!

Your yellow items are so nice! I just love those yellow roosters! And the pear and sunflower pictures are so cute! And your yellow Hummer, very cool! But I've never heard of Sundrop. Is it like 7up? The bottle actually kind of looks like a Squirt bottle. I read the comment you left at Picket's about the Sundrop. So funny!

on the ROCKS said...

Thank You so much for the kind words and the award. Your blog is one that I look at daily and love. I got a kick out of your yellow post I love the yellow chickens the flowers are so pretty, My favorite vehicle is a hummer I have wanted one for years (Black probably an H2 with a lot of Chrome I can even see myself driving it down the road sunglasses on(oh, my I'm rambling on)) Again thank you for the kind words.

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Thank you Rhonda, for the awards! I'll add your name to them on my blog as a "giver". You are SO kind and sweet, thanks so much.

Enjoyed your yellow post!


Lidian said...

Hi Rhonda!

Aw, sorry you did not get the wagon - but this may mean that something even BETTER is in your future, because you really do deserve an extra good find now! :)

What a lot of lovely yellow things you have -

Anonymous said...

You are so sweet!! Thank you!! You have no idea how much you and everyone else out here in blogland inspire me!! Loved all your yellow goodies! My studio is actually a sunny yellow. It makes you happy even on the grayest day!

Judy said...

Dearest Rhonda! Thank you for the are so sweet!

I love the post about your jr. high reunion. We had a 5 year, a 10 year and a 21st year (our class was so small we combined with the class having their 20th year). Haven't had one since the 21st year and we're coming on 38th year (you do the math)!

Hope you have a great week!


Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda... I'm really enjoying your blog ~smiles~ And I just loved all of your yellow goodies... esp. the Roosters! I hope your evening is a pleasant one!

take care...

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda,

I came to see if you had posted anything new.... and saw your new picture collage! LOVE IT!!!!

Donna Lynn said...

Dear sweet Rhonda!
Thank you for the award! I love your blog and have to go right now and add you so I don't miss a single post!
Hugs to you,
Donna Lynn

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda,

I went to my friend's this afternoon and found out what to do next... I think I am going to wait a couple of days to attempt that. I have some quilt deadlines to work on, and plus I have to block the daygown fronts before I could proceed. Somehow, I got it off when I was tying off the pleating threads to determine the width of the smocked front...

I have something nice for you on my blog too! ;)

Justabeachkat said...

Hi Rhonda

What a sweetie you are! Thank you so much! I appreciate this so much and will add your name to these awards on my sidebar.

Love your new shoes...very cute!
